Introducing ‘Finca La Esperanza’


8 acres of organic produce and restored land

From a depleted and degraded cattle ground to a restored habitat with enriched soils and increased water absorption, our farm, known as ‘Finca La Esperanza’ is already up and running.

Thanks to the ongoing efforts of our cherished local farm team, guided by land design partners, Porvenir Design, our farm will provide Shift’s residents with fresh produce — and will be an integral part of our community’s day-to-day commitment to healthy living.

How our farm works

Our farm team prepares the soil, plants agroforestry systems, implements measures to amplify biodiversity and fertility, and manages the harvest. Our agroforestry program promotes whole-system health with soil, water, plants, animals, and mycelium working in conjunction to create resilient and productive land and food governed by nature.

Thanks to our land management practices and remaining true to our goal of working with nature in everything we do, we’re seeing tangible ecological improvements and markers of our progress.

Our Systems

  • We design agricultural systems to function like the native dry tropical forest ecology.

  • We protect the farm’s soil so that it is always covered by living plants or organic materials, maximizing nutrient and water retention and minimizing erosion.

  • We manage water from the top of the watershed to the bottom, always in a way that seeks to recharge our aquifer, store water in the soil, and cycle raindrops as many times as possible.

  • We work to establish varied microclimates that offer lower-than-average temperatures and more humidity in order to create more comfortable growing and working environments.

  • Although not exclusively, we primarily focus on perennial crops that generate a yield and provide multiple ecological services.

  • We plant diverse species, arranged in both space and time, in order to accelerate the natural ecological succession and move the farm toward a forest ecosystem at a faster pace.

Our Farm’s Timeline for 2024

Our Progress


Of water retention earthworks, capable of capturing millions of liters of water per year.


fruit trees

With more than 30 varieties of primary fruit trees.


support species

Providing nutrients, creating shade, producing organic material, and feeding the soil that feeds the plants that feed the community.


vetiver plants

To control erosion, provide soil cover, and create habitat.



A healthier land for the future of our community

Guided by our farm team, we've planted thousands of trees, plants, and grasses that provide shade, produce organic matter, provide habitat support, attract diverse pollinators and wildlife, and return the land to its natural origin as a tropical, dry-forest ecosystem.

Shift collaborates with our local neighbors in Las Delicias through our annual, community-based reforesting and planting initiative, including inviting local children to participate in tree plantings and teaching them about reforestation and permaculture design.


Porvenir Design

The development of our farm is led by Sam Kenworthy, a water systems enthusiast and landscape manager with over a decade of experience in the tropics. He has experience designing and developing educational curriculum for students of all ages, particularly focused on conservation, practical skill building, and applied research.

Dedicated to continued learning and improving his skill sets, he is passionate about self sufficiency, water management, generating more and better yields, and well executed design for human eco-systems. Experienced in working in a wide variety of environments, he enjoys the challenge and process of designing around problematic landscapes.